Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Brother Gave me A "Pillow Hug"!

Psymon and my dad are away for the week. They went to SanFran. on a mission trip with my church. So its just me and my mom this week, oh the trouble we could get into....


Being the wonderful and amazing person that I am :) , I got up to see my brother and dad off. That meant my alarm went off at 7 AM. Ick. So the group had all prayed and loaded up all the luggage and kids were saying goodbye and going to claim their seats in the vans. I'm standing off to the side, just hanging. My brother walks up to me. He is wearing his backpack and then has his pillow in front of him.

"You want a hug?" He asks me with this huge grin on his face.

"I guess," I said. (Its not that my brother and I aren't close or anything, it just seemed kinda weird to me....I was right)

Psymon gives me a hug, with his pillow in between us. "PILLOW HUG" He says.

Only my brother.

Joyful :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha that's funny. And, yes. That is totally him. He never has seemed like the real "huggy" type. But I know he loves you nonetheless. He actualy said some nice things about you during the school year.