Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hello, again.


I know, I haven't posted in forever.  But life is just SO busy.  Its thanksgiving break, and It is a really nice break.  I can't remember the last time I didn't have to wake up to an alarm clock.  It is so much nicer to just slowly wake up than wake up to the BEEP-BEEP-BEEP of the alarm clock.   I hate my alarm clock.  Funny story about that:  I have to move my alarm clock around my room becuase I can get up and turn it off and then go back to bed without realizing it.  I did that once, not good.  So now I've sufficiently rambled about the alarm clock.

I'm going to go work on my art project.  I'll check in Later!

Joyful :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Portland Mission Trip

I'm back from Portland and boy was it fun!
I'm not even sure I can describe how much fun we had so, I'm not going to. Now don't complain quite yet, I'm going to add the video to the right side of my page. Click on it. YOu can see video and pictures of the whole gang on the trip. Its a rather long video I think almost ten minutes, but it has some really funny parts.

So enjoy!

Joyful :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hi....and Bye

So, I know I haven't been blogging in like, forever, but I've been like super busy. I've been working like crazy, so that maybe I can have a car by the time I turn 40 (Well hopefully sooner, but ya never know!). So there really hasn't been that much to blog about.

And now I am leaving to go on a mission trip to Portland Oregon with my church. I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun....and I can almost guarantee that there will be at least one really good story from that trip. So you can hopefully look forward to that.

Okay, I think I'm going to sign off now, because I have to get up really early to leave. (The bus pulls out at 8 AM! So I have to be there by 7:30 AM! Ridiculous. And now I'm getting up even earlier so that I can stop to get coffee, that is worth it, I must say.)

Anyway, I'm going now. Enjoy the week, I come back into town late Sunday night. Talk to ya'll then

Joyful :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

I Can't Believe I said It

Oh my....What is this world coming to? Today I got up early with my mom, and drove my brother and his friends to their golf tournament. Then I got coffee (I think that's the only way my mom got me out of bed). And then we went into Wal*Mart.

Now You have to understand, I do not like Wal*Mart. I just....okay I will spare you all my long and boring reasons that I don't support them. But as my mom says: "You just can't get some of this stuff other places!". For example: Hannah Montana 3-D glasses (Yes i did get those, but i got them to watch with the girl i'm babysitting next week), and Wal*Mart also had i don't know, its a Wal*Mart for petes sake! It has everything!

Okay so I don't know if any of you have been to a Wal*Mart around 8am. Its SUPER quiet. There was like maybe ten other people there. Weird I know (normally our Wal*Mart is like so busy you're fighting for a parking space).

Now this trip was just me and my mom. which is like super dangerous. Me and my mom went in there for like two things and walked out with like at least 15 different things, and we even forgot one of the things we went in there for in the first place. Me and my mom are crazy shopping together. We walk down the isles and are like "Oh i hear these are good" "Well put 'em in the cart" and then down the next isle: "oooh, those look yummy, lets get 'em". Yea i'm not even kidding.

I did manage to score a really great pair of flip flops while i was there, always a good thing.

And i think it was that that prompted me to say (what i swore I would never say) as i walked out to the car:
"Wow, they actually had some cute stuff in there! I might have to come back."

As soon as i said it I wanted to take it back, but I can't. And even more scary than the fact that i said it, I think it might be true!

What is this world coming to?

Joyful :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now)

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't posted lately. Its just been me and my mom for the past week, my brother and dad were on a misson trip in SanFran. Its been way fun, and I just haven't had time to sit down and write.

And now we are heading out of town. We are going up to a cabin right on warm lake. (If you've never been there you should find some pictures on google) Its beautiful! I'll see if I can figure out how to post some of my own picutres when I get back.

Anyway....Enjoy you're week.

Joyful :)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Brother Gave me A "Pillow Hug"!

Psymon and my dad are away for the week. They went to SanFran. on a mission trip with my church. So its just me and my mom this week, oh the trouble we could get into....


Being the wonderful and amazing person that I am :) , I got up to see my brother and dad off. That meant my alarm went off at 7 AM. Ick. So the group had all prayed and loaded up all the luggage and kids were saying goodbye and going to claim their seats in the vans. I'm standing off to the side, just hanging. My brother walks up to me. He is wearing his backpack and then has his pillow in front of him.

"You want a hug?" He asks me with this huge grin on his face.

"I guess," I said. (Its not that my brother and I aren't close or anything, it just seemed kinda weird to me....I was right)

Psymon gives me a hug, with his pillow in between us. "PILLOW HUG" He says.

Only my brother.

Joyful :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I met Jesus at Walmart!

Walmart with my family.... always good for some laughs.

First of all the store was under renovation. I walk into the store and theres this huge sign that says "53 Days till you're new walmart is here!". So the store is a little discombobulated (gosh i love that word).

Anyways lets get to the real story about how I met Jesus in the walmart.

Me and my brother decided to look around the toy isles. My mom had gotten everything she needed and was heading onto the food department. My brother and i looked at hot weels, and some board games. And then we were walking away, and all the sudden, I saw him....Jesus. He was there in the last toy isle!

I couldn't beleive it! "Psymon, Look its Jesus!" I said. "Oh, no," he grabbed my wrist and said lets go.

Apparently he didn't want to have a conversation with a Jesus that was in a plastic box. It was a "barbie doll" Jesus. And right next to Jesus was Moses (also in a plastic box). Oh my....What is this world coming to.

I found my mom and said, " MOm I just met Jesus in Wal Mart!"

She looked at me in disbelief and said "Oh, no what did you do?" Needless to say, I had a little explaining to do (Which was kinda difficult because i was laughing so hard. I mean a barbie doll Jesus, you just can't help laughing).




Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ice Cream Sunday

Hello Everyone.

You just have to love summer. I think summer officially started on Friday so...Hooray!

This afternoon me and my brother enjoyed ice cream sundays. It was way fun. And we sat outside, its beautiful. Mid 80s with a light breeze, and sunshine. I love it! This is what summer is all about.

Anyway, I'm off to my church's teen service. But i will definitely check in with you all later.

Joyful :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I'm Home. Yea!

Being away from home makes you apreciate a lot of things. Here are the things I now appreciate after being in Las Vegas with my Mom and Nana for a (almost) a week.

*Boise no longer feels hot with its 80 degree weather. Las Vegas at 106 makes boise look (and feel) AMAZING!

*Boise looks very green compared to the desert landscape of Las Vegas. I was driving down the street this morning going, 'Wow, i didn't realize we had so much green!'.

*My bed is softer than ever. Well, i slept on a pull out sofa, and the mattress' on those are never great, makes mine look even better.

*My room has a door so that when my mom and Nana get up (they are early risers, I'm not), my door can be closed and i won't hear them making tea and whatever they do that early in the morning.

*I have a computer that i don't have to wait in line for. The hotel business center was busy, and you had to wait in a long line, my computer you just have to sign on.

*I get to see my brother and Dad, Oh and my dog. I love my family.

Enjoy you're home sweet home. (and if you don't, i suggest you go out of town for a few days, you'll come back and look at things with a whole new perspective.)

Joyful :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Update from Vegas

Hello Everyone.

Day one at the National Tournament. Boy part of me wants to tell you how many people there are here, because its huge, but part of me wants to tell you its just like every other tournament I've attended back home in Idaho. So I won't tell you about either :P. Hee Hee.

OH I know I'll tell you about how specific the rules are here. Its crazy. So we are split up into 45 different sections and then theres about five people in each section, but they can't just write names in order, no that would be too simple. Instead they give us crazy numbers like U890 and U345. And they expect you to remember it! When its your turn (After you've spent forever looking for your stupid number) you go up to the counter with your number and draw three questions. You have to keep one and lay the other two face down. Now here's the kicker: You have to say in this order your section number, your code number, and the number on the question.
Now try to remember there are 45 of us all trying to do this at the same time. "25, U894, B2" "39, U332, C7" "3, U132, A1" It was really crazy. And if you don't do it that order they have full rights to yell at you. YIKES!

I did four speeches today. Here were my category areas:

1. Education and Issues of Youth
2. American Politics (MY FAVORITE!!)
3. Environment and Sciences
4. The Wars

I did pretty good. I have two more speeches tomorrow, and then I find out if I will go on.

I'm off to bed, giving four speeches is exhausting!

Joyful :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


So today we went shopping in Vegas.

Well, first we registered for my events. That was really fun. We went to the student union center at UNLV. They had all kinds of vendors and colleges there. Oh, and the free stuff!!!!!!!!! Did I tell you that i L-O-V-E! Free stuff! I mean, I got two or three decks of cars, a nice fabric bag, pens galore, orderforms, buisness cards, and brouchures. I mean they had it all. Well, except for the college that i really wanted to meet, Point Lomma Nazarene. So we're walking around all these random little colleges from the middle of nebraska and oklahoma, wisconsin, and then i see this sheet of paper where point lomma should have been, but were. they there? Of course not, the one college i really wanted to talk to, doesn't show up. But hey! What can ya do.

I'm off to e-mail point lomma and ask them if they'll be here later this week. Well see.

So after collecting all my free stuff (except for my awesome stuff that wasn't there from point lomma), i went outside. They had all sorts of fun stuff. Kareokee, basketball, a zero gravity machine, it was crazy. We toodled around there, and then left to return to our hotel.

Then the shopping! Well, i don't know why i titled this blog shopping. We went to the outlet malls, and nobody really got anything. I got a few shorts and Mom and Gramma picked up a few other little things. But really we didn't get much, (But hey who needs to shop when you can get a ton of free stuff!)

Well off to have dinner (grilled cheese and tomato soup, my favorite!)

Enjoy your day.

Joyful :)

Welcome to Vegas!

Hi everyone!

I'm in Las Vegas Nevada. Why? For the National High School Speech and debate competition. I qualified back in February and I can't believe I'm fianlly here!
We register today and the tournoment gets under way tomorrow at 8am (ick, i'm not a morning person). I'm super excited.

I'll tell you what happens, but for now i have to go and get ready for the day (And decide which flip flops to wear green or orange, i just can't decide)


Talk to ya later,
Smiles, Joyful :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Nothing to say

Hi everyone!

So i have one more final to take tomorrow morning and i am DONE!!! YEA! I'm so excited.
I don't have that much to share with you guys. but...yea i really lead a pretty boring life right now. Oooh...i like this song on the radio right now. Its "Whatever You're Doing" by Sanctus Real. You should youtube it. Or maybe i'll change my video after this.

So lets see if i can find anything exciting in my life to tell you about right now. Umm....I made my high school newspaper staff for next year. I'm exited. :) So YEA.



I finished my big projects in every class. Tell me why teachers decide to give you these huge projects. And their all so similar like "Evaluate this course" "Reflect on yourself this past year". I feel like i did the same project over and over. Not fun.

Oh I'll tell you about the weather, that what people talk about when they have nothing else to talk about (well, except for meteorologists). So the weather right now. Icky. That's all i can say. Its rained all day. Like hello school gets out tomorrow and its raining? I don't understand. I'll have to talk to my dad (he's a meteorologist :) ).

So, yea that's all.

Talk to y'all later.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dinner Time

So today was a Wednesday which means i go to the church. A group of us high school girls meets there for dinner and then we do a small group study (sometimes, we get off track....a lot). So the church has a great cooking staff, and i love them, but today's dinner. not so great.
It was sloppy Joe time. Now I'm all for sloppy Joe's, but these, not so good. I ate it, but my mom's is way better :).
So, i was walking down the row, and i get my sloppy Joe, and then i walk up to J, one of the cooks there, she's amazing, and she's serving the potato salad and the bean salad. In all honesty, i really don't like either of those. But she's looking at me so i took some of the bean salad, because i can pick some of the green beans out, as long as they went light on the dressing that day. J is all like "here have some more since you don't want potato salad" I was going to tell her no, but, she just slopped it on there too fast.
Then we had a green salad at the end of the table. I also don't like green salad, never have (probably never will), but i was ready to just pass by that one, and here comes J again. "Oh Joyful, hold on you forgot salad." and just like that I've got a mound of green salad on my plate.
We had brownies, and i was pretty excited. But it well, it wasn't their best batch of brownies I've ever had.

So basically my dinner tonight was a sloppy Joe, that was just bearable, and a brownie, that just wasn't up to par. But i still love the kitchen ladies, and i will be eating there next week, lets hope its something good ;)

But other than that my day was pretty good. Finals are just around the corner. YIKES! And I've had a project due every day for a class this week. but it is almost done so YEA!!!

Hope you all had a better dinner than me.

Joyful :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hey Guys,
sorry I haven't been posting lately. But life is really crazy. School is out in six days now, and all my teachers had the same idea, to give me huge projects all due the same day(s). So that's pretty much been my life.

I did get a break the other day. I went babysitting. And the little boy i watched was so adourable. His name is Chase and he's a little over 1. I got over there about five thirty, just in time for dinner. He had macaroni and cheeze, and got it all over himself, but it was really cute. By the time we finished dinner (and cleaned up). We had about twenty minutes before it was time for bed. Chase is so cute, all he likes to do is read books. So we read books for twenty minutes. "Where is my puppy" and "Goodnight Moon." He has his favorites, and he tells you when to turn the page, and when to read it again. Its so cute. He even picks out which book you get to read next. He's a really cute kid, if you haven't gotten that yet. :)

So Thats all i have to say. And i really should be getting back to those end of year projects. So later!

~Joyful :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just a little bit obsessed....

I thought I would take my first blog and describe my flip flop collection to you, so that you can fully understand my obsession.

  • Right now I only have 5 pairs of flip flops, but remember the warm weather just started here.
  • Flip flop stepping stones, that have solar lights built into them!
  • Flip flop clock
  • Flip flop playing cards
  • Flip flop photo frames
  • Flip flop key chains
  • Flip Flop gift bags
  • Flip flop magnets
  • Flip Flop writing pads
  • Flip Flop sticky notes
  • Flip Flop Tea Set
  • Flip Flop toothpick holder
  • Flip flop foam cutouts
  • Flip Flop birdhouse
  • Flip Flop Ceramic Wall decorations
  • Flip Flop "Thank You" cards
  • Flip flop pencils
  • Flip Flop earrings
  • Flip Flop Necklaces
  • You name it i probably have it...

Are you getting that i am just a little obsessed?

Just a little right?


Joyful :)