Sunday, November 7, 2010

I know I haven't posted in forever, but I thought I would start agian. So, I'm here updating my blog site. I'm changing a bunch of the settings today, and hopefully will start posting about life really soon.

Hope ya'll are doing great.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hello, again.


I know, I haven't posted in forever.  But life is just SO busy.  Its thanksgiving break, and It is a really nice break.  I can't remember the last time I didn't have to wake up to an alarm clock.  It is so much nicer to just slowly wake up than wake up to the BEEP-BEEP-BEEP of the alarm clock.   I hate my alarm clock.  Funny story about that:  I have to move my alarm clock around my room becuase I can get up and turn it off and then go back to bed without realizing it.  I did that once, not good.  So now I've sufficiently rambled about the alarm clock.

I'm going to go work on my art project.  I'll check in Later!

Joyful :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Portland Mission Trip

I'm back from Portland and boy was it fun!
I'm not even sure I can describe how much fun we had so, I'm not going to. Now don't complain quite yet, I'm going to add the video to the right side of my page. Click on it. YOu can see video and pictures of the whole gang on the trip. Its a rather long video I think almost ten minutes, but it has some really funny parts.

So enjoy!

Joyful :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hi....and Bye

So, I know I haven't been blogging in like, forever, but I've been like super busy. I've been working like crazy, so that maybe I can have a car by the time I turn 40 (Well hopefully sooner, but ya never know!). So there really hasn't been that much to blog about.

And now I am leaving to go on a mission trip to Portland Oregon with my church. I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun....and I can almost guarantee that there will be at least one really good story from that trip. So you can hopefully look forward to that.

Okay, I think I'm going to sign off now, because I have to get up really early to leave. (The bus pulls out at 8 AM! So I have to be there by 7:30 AM! Ridiculous. And now I'm getting up even earlier so that I can stop to get coffee, that is worth it, I must say.)

Anyway, I'm going now. Enjoy the week, I come back into town late Sunday night. Talk to ya'll then

Joyful :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

I Can't Believe I said It

Oh my....What is this world coming to? Today I got up early with my mom, and drove my brother and his friends to their golf tournament. Then I got coffee (I think that's the only way my mom got me out of bed). And then we went into Wal*Mart.

Now You have to understand, I do not like Wal*Mart. I just....okay I will spare you all my long and boring reasons that I don't support them. But as my mom says: "You just can't get some of this stuff other places!". For example: Hannah Montana 3-D glasses (Yes i did get those, but i got them to watch with the girl i'm babysitting next week), and Wal*Mart also had i don't know, its a Wal*Mart for petes sake! It has everything!

Okay so I don't know if any of you have been to a Wal*Mart around 8am. Its SUPER quiet. There was like maybe ten other people there. Weird I know (normally our Wal*Mart is like so busy you're fighting for a parking space).

Now this trip was just me and my mom. which is like super dangerous. Me and my mom went in there for like two things and walked out with like at least 15 different things, and we even forgot one of the things we went in there for in the first place. Me and my mom are crazy shopping together. We walk down the isles and are like "Oh i hear these are good" "Well put 'em in the cart" and then down the next isle: "oooh, those look yummy, lets get 'em". Yea i'm not even kidding.

I did manage to score a really great pair of flip flops while i was there, always a good thing.

And i think it was that that prompted me to say (what i swore I would never say) as i walked out to the car:
"Wow, they actually had some cute stuff in there! I might have to come back."

As soon as i said it I wanted to take it back, but I can't. And even more scary than the fact that i said it, I think it might be true!

What is this world coming to?

Joyful :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now)

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't posted lately. Its just been me and my mom for the past week, my brother and dad were on a misson trip in SanFran. Its been way fun, and I just haven't had time to sit down and write.

And now we are heading out of town. We are going up to a cabin right on warm lake. (If you've never been there you should find some pictures on google) Its beautiful! I'll see if I can figure out how to post some of my own picutres when I get back.

Anyway....Enjoy you're week.

Joyful :)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Brother Gave me A "Pillow Hug"!

Psymon and my dad are away for the week. They went to SanFran. on a mission trip with my church. So its just me and my mom this week, oh the trouble we could get into....


Being the wonderful and amazing person that I am :) , I got up to see my brother and dad off. That meant my alarm went off at 7 AM. Ick. So the group had all prayed and loaded up all the luggage and kids were saying goodbye and going to claim their seats in the vans. I'm standing off to the side, just hanging. My brother walks up to me. He is wearing his backpack and then has his pillow in front of him.

"You want a hug?" He asks me with this huge grin on his face.

"I guess," I said. (Its not that my brother and I aren't close or anything, it just seemed kinda weird to me....I was right)

Psymon gives me a hug, with his pillow in between us. "PILLOW HUG" He says.

Only my brother.

Joyful :)