Monday, August 4, 2008

Hi....and Bye

So, I know I haven't been blogging in like, forever, but I've been like super busy. I've been working like crazy, so that maybe I can have a car by the time I turn 40 (Well hopefully sooner, but ya never know!). So there really hasn't been that much to blog about.

And now I am leaving to go on a mission trip to Portland Oregon with my church. I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun....and I can almost guarantee that there will be at least one really good story from that trip. So you can hopefully look forward to that.

Okay, I think I'm going to sign off now, because I have to get up really early to leave. (The bus pulls out at 8 AM! So I have to be there by 7:30 AM! Ridiculous. And now I'm getting up even earlier so that I can stop to get coffee, that is worth it, I must say.)

Anyway, I'm going now. Enjoy the week, I come back into town late Sunday night. Talk to ya'll then

Joyful :)

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